기업 정보
- 회사명
- ALBION Co., Ltd.
- Shoichi Kobayashi
- 설립일자
- March 2, 1956
- 주소
Head office:
1-7-10, Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0061Headquarters:
1-12-2, Kyobashi, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0031Sub office:
1-10-6, Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0061Branch:
Sapporo, Aomori, Sendai, Chiba, Omiya, Tokyo, The department store east area, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Kyoto, Osaka, The department store west area, Kobe, Takamatsu, Hiroshima, Kitakyushu, and Fukuoka
Taipei, LondonPlant:
Saitama, TokyoDistribution center:
Saitama, HiroshimaEducation center:
TokyoR&D center:
Chuo-Ku, Tokyo / Akita / Sri Lanka - 사업영역
- Manufacturing and distribution of premium cosmetics
Development / Manufacture of skin care, make-up, fragrance, hair care, etc. and distribution to prestige department stores and exclusive cosmetics stores throughout Japan. - 그룹사
IGNIS CO., LTD. (IGNIS cosmetics)
ALBION Cosmetics (America), Inc.
ALBION Cosmetics (HK) Limited
ALBION Cosmetics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
ALBION Cosmetics (UK Branch)
UK Tax Strategy
- Introduction
- Albion is a world leader in the manufacture of premium cosmetics. The group operates in many countries around the world, including the UK.
- Tax Planning
We engage in tax planning that is aligned with our commercial business activities and ensure we are compliant with relevant tax laws and disclosure requirements in the UK and other jurisdictions in which we operate. Any tax planning undertaken has commercial and economic substance and the Albion Group does not engage in any artificial tax arrangements.
Where appropriate, to increase understanding of relevant tax laws and disclosure requirement, the group, including the UK branch seek advice from external advisors. - Tax Risk appetite
Our tax arrangements are based on our commercial business objectives and economic activities and consequently we do not engage in schemes for the purpose of tax avoidance activities.
Our risk of UK tax is only range of common commercial transaction. Furthermore, local Management, as well as Management of the Albion Group proactively seek to identify, manage and monitor tax risk around the Group to ensure that risk is minimized to an acceptable level. - Relationship with Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
- Our group conducts itself as an honest and responsible tax payer. We endeavor to provide accurate and informative documentation and work collaboratively with HMRC, should any issues arise.
- UK Tax Risk Management & Governance
The Director of International Business governs our approach to tax, with input from the Branch Manager, the International Business Division and the Accounting and Finance Department.
The Board are consulted with on issues, and approve the group’s tax strategy and risk management policy.
We also manage group company internal control with appropriate guidelines.
We conduct our business with integrity and endeavor to seek external advice where appropriate.
알비온 제품 판매 원칙
알비온은 1대1 맞춤 카운셀링을 통해 여러분께 최적의 제품을 제안 드리는 것을 우선으로 합니다. 이에 알비온 매장에서는 알비온 스킨케어 루틴에 따른 4단계 스킨케어 서비스, 뷰티 미스트 서비스, 스킨 체크 서비스, 티 서비스 등을 마련하여 고객님을 기다리고 있습니다.
또한 온라인 판매의 경우 롯데면세점 온라인몰을 통해 실시하고 있습니다.
알비온 본사에서 승인하지 않은 판매처에서 구입하신 제품에 대해서는 알비온이 책임지지 않으니 유의하시기 바랍니다.

ALBION 꿈과 이상을 상징하는 이름
ALBION은 영국의 옛 이름으로 'White Land'(백악의 나라, 흰 나라)를 의미하며, 도버 해협에서 바라본 영국 남부 해안의 백악질 절벽이 흰색으로 보이는 데서 유래되었다고 전해집니다. 그 순백의 고귀한 아름다움에, 여성들이 꿈꾸는 '맑고 투명하게 빛나는 듯한 투명감'을 더해, 이를 추구하고 이루고자 하는 열망을 담아 ALBION이라는 사명을 짓게 되었습니다. '일본 최고, 세계 최고의 고급품 제조업체를 목표로 한다'는 창업 당시의 큰 꿈도 이 사명에 담겨 있습니다.